1940 London West Ham - Feeding bombed-out *WW2 Photo
Communal Kitchen West Ham
Photo shows the Communal Kitchens set up in many parts of the Country to take care of the Army of the Bombed-Out (consisting of people whose homes have been destroyed by German Raiders). This scene was made in a kitchen set up in a school at West Ham. The windows of the school have been blown out and for six pence one could get a full dinner and dessert.
Immagine d'epoca delle cucine allestite per rifocillare gli sfollati vittime dei bombardamenti tedeschi del 1940. La fotografia è corredata del timbro datario e della nota dattiloscritta in inglese.
Interntional News Photos - New York
Vera fotografia d'epoca, originale e autentica.
In buone condizioni.