Bergen - Norway (Norvegia)
Photo shows the town of Bergen occupied by Nazi Germany at the beginning of the war.
Fotografia d'epoca corredata di nota dattiloscritta al verso, con localizzazione errata della città (Halden invece di bergen: "Ecco qui una fotografia di Halden, la cittadina che è stata occupata l'altro giorno dalle truppe motorizzate avanzanti nel territorio".
Foto Giacomelli - Venezia
Vera fotografia d'epoca, originale, autentica.
In buone condizioni
Note: the occupation of Norway by Nazi Germany started with the German invasion of Norway on April 9, 1940 and ended on May 8, 1945, after the capitulation of German forces in Europe. Throughout this period, Norway was continuously occupied by the Wehrmacht. Civil rule was effectively assumed by the Reichskommissariat Norwegen ("Reich Commissariat of Norway"), which acted in collaboration with a pro-German puppet government, while the legitimate Norwegian king and government continued to operate in exile from London. This period of military occupation - usually referred to as the "war years" or "occupation period" in Norway - had defining significance for Norwegian society, and it is only recently that Norway considers itself as having passed out of the "post-war era".