11th November 1918
WW1 Armistice - The war has eneded
Photo shows a Captain of the Irish Guards on the Western Front while reading the news to his men that the armistice had been signed.
Bella fotografia d'epoca raffigurante un Capitano dell'esercito inglese sul fronte occidentale mentre legge ai suoi uomini la notizia dell'avvenuta fine della guerra con la firma dell'armistizio.
Photo by Photopress
Vera fotografia d'epoca, originale e autentica.
L'immagine reca una originale nota dattiloscritta al verso (in lingua inglese).
In buone condizioni malgrado presenti un breve strappo al margine superiore destro (come da scansione). Di tale circostanza si è naturalmente tenuto conto nella determinazione del prezzo.
Note: the armistice between the Allies and Germany was signed in a railway carriage in Compiègne Forest on 11 November 1918, and marked the end of fighting in the First World War on the Western Front. Principal signatories were Marshal Ferdinand Foch, the Allied Commander-in-chief, and Matthias Erzberger, Germany's representative. It was a military agreement that marked a complete defeat for Germany, but was neither an unconditional surrender nor a treaty.